Okay. So I cheated a little this week. It came of bad time management, of spending too much of my Sunday sorting out my desk (I should have put it on my "later list", but it's gotten terribly long these days and a messy desk just sort of sneaks up on you and suddenly screams: Your life will be a creative/emotional/mental mess until you tidy me!!!!
In the tidying, I happened to go through an old box of photographs. Many of them were taken with film during a photo workshop 6 winters ago. I loved this proof sheet of a series of shots taken of my daughter, then two years old, on a cold March afternoon when the light was just right.
I sat with the box of photos for awhile and then decided to pin this one up on my bulletin board. Painting wise, nothing came that day but this forgotten proof sheet - of my baby girl on the stairs, on the bed, by the window - felt like enough.
(Okay, okay. I'll do two next week.)